Whether you are an experienced professional or just starting your career, consider a career with Gary Cheng CPA Limited. With clients in different industries, scales and locations, we can offer you tremendous opportunities. Your career can be explored to different dimensions, focused on key industries or on client services.
In order to provide high quality professional services to our clients, we understand the importance of building a strong team with special expertise. We have professional teams focusing on different specific functions to meet the needs and demand of different organizations. We always dedicate professionals who understand the unique challenges of our clients to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.
Our four functional units are Auditing and Accounting (AA), Taxation (TAX), Company Secretarial Service (CSS) and Specialized Service (SS). As an authorized employer accredited by HKICPA, we offer a pleasant and caring working environment, excellent prospects and generous benefits including paid study and examination leave and professional training. Due to the continuous business growth, we always desire high caliber candidates to join our family.